Blessed are the curious...for they create a better world.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

New Grandma Baby Shower

Last week we hosted a shower for my dear friend Lorraine who is about to be a grandma for the first time. The shower was part of our monthly art group, Paper Soirée, which is held at Paper Tales. The ladies were all excited to shower Lorraine with scrapbook supplies for her new Grandma Brag Book. Each month this group hosts a swap so we continued with this tradition and swapped paper baby shoes. We all made two and traded one and we each gave one to Lorraine.  My girlfriend Pam and I made all of the decorations and my daughter Cassidy helped by folding Origami boats for party favors.  We all had so much fun and Lorraine was so surprised!


Jo said...

completely adorable!!! all of it!!!

debi said...

Marti, everything is absolutely adorable! What a wonderful surprise for Lorraine.

Createology said...

Such an adorable venue. I adore those little baby shoes! The little sail boats are uber cute too. Creative Baby Bliss...

Terri Gordon said...

Hi Marti, Oh how beautiful! I bet Lorraine was so surprised! Everything looks so special, thanks for sharing this wonderful event. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri

Lorraine said...

Oh, Marti, what a wonderful evening, the decorations, food, and are truly a wonderful friend, thank you soooo so much, I feel blessed! xoxoxo

Scrap for Joy said...

What a wonderful idea, a Grandmother's shower! I will have to remember this for a first timer. The decorations are clever and the shoes! Lorraine is blessed to have such talented friends.

Cheryl said...

I have never heard of a grandmother baby shower! Adorable! The decor is over the top cute!!!
big hugs,

Unknown said...

This is bad on my part. I was looking through my blog from a couple years ago and your name was in the I clicked on it, and here I am :). I would love to know how you made the little shoes.
Ive moved from Oregon to so. calif. so we are enjoying the sunshine.